We all want to enjoy healthy eyes and clear vision for as long as we possibly can. Fortunately, there are things that we can do to help make this possible. It’s easy to think that protecting our eyes from obvious harm, such as the harsh effects of UV light or potential injury during an activity like welding or woodworking, is enough. However, there are many other things that we can do to keep our eyes functioning well for as long as possible. This includes taking supplements to help ensure that we get the right nutrition for our eyes to be healthy.

PRN offers a range of highly effective and expert-recommended nutritional supplements that are designed to support optimal eye health.

Why do I need to take nutritional supplements for my eyes?

Just like the rest of our body, our eyes need to receive a comprehensive influx of nutrients, including specific vitamins and minerals, to remain healthy. Over time, a lack of these could significantly increase the likelihood of us experiencing eye health and vision problems. The severity of these can vary, but they could be sufficient enough to affect our ability to work and our quality of life.

For example, antioxidants are essential for helping to combat oxidative stress that can negatively affect the cells of our body, including our eyes. A lack of antioxidants in our diet could increase our risk of developing eye issues caused by oxidative stress, such as keratoconus and macular degeneration. Some people are naturally at greater risk of specific eye problems too, either through their activities or their familial history, but these could be partly negated by eating the right nutrients.   

Examples of PRN Supplements

There are several different Physician Recommended Nutriceuticals

DE3 Omega:

De 3 Omega Benefits® is a custom formulation for occasional eye dryness, to provide the body with the essential nutrients it needs to produce a soothing, healthy tear film*.

If you would like more information on the importance of nutritional supplements for your eyes, or to learn more about PRN, please speak to our dedicated eyecare specialists.

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